10 Media Studies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Jeff McKay.

Are you ready to unleash your inner filmmaker and master the art of storytelling? In this immersive half-year program, students will explore the world of music videos. Students will be asked to unleash their creativity as they gain in-depth knowledge of film elements and how to use them to impact an audience. They will dive into the technical aspects of production, as they learn to operate professional-grade video cameras and master cutting-edge editing software to create their very own music video.

Pre-requisites: None 

Materials Fee: Nil


Subject Overview

Term 1
• Exploring musicians as storytellers.
• Exploring film elements and their effects on the audience.
• Planning a music video in a production team.

Term 2
• Planning a music video in a production team.
• Film and edit a music video.

Assessment Information

Music Video Treatment Assessment
Music Video Production Assessment