10 English Second Language
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge:
This course aims to support students with English Language learning and to help them to cope with the language requirements of mainstream classes. The four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will be covered using short texts like newspaper articles and short stories. The students joining this class will usually have taken ESOL in Year 9. This course helps prepare students for the literacy demands of all courses.
Attention is given to the choice of texts to make language learning coherent. Each reading text is studied over a period of 2 weeks. Reading texts are generally short newspaper articles, picture stories and short stories by well-known NZ authors. Activities based on the reading text are designed to develop the student's language proficiency in terms of acquiring new vocabulary, understanding grammatical structures and language use. Speaking and writing skills are based on the unit of study. This occurs throughout the academic year.
Subject Overview
Term 1
Literacy strategies based on reading texts.
The emphasis is on vocabulary development. Vocabulary is possibly the single most important area in language learning. With a large vocabulary, a student can understand and communicate even though they may be weak in grammatical knowledge.
Term 2
Literacy strategies based on reading texts.
Although attention is given to all four skills, reading receives particular attention. Students learn the skill of reading and the ability to read for information.
Term 3
Literacy strategies based on reading texts.
Although attention is given to all four language skills, the two output skills of speaking and writing receive particular attention in language instruction. Specifically, the focus is on the writing process, which involves a series of steps including getting ideas, organizing ideas, making notes, planning, drafting, seeking feedback, and finalizing the written text.
In contrast, the focus on speaking emphasizes pronunciation, stress and intonation, as well as other aspects such as clearly articulating the beginning and ending of words.
Term 4
Literacy strategies based on reading texts.
Attention is given to all four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Recommended Prior Learning
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
1 B5 x 2 exercise books