L1 Music
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge:
Students will develop their skills across the key disciplines of music, including performance practice, contextual analysis, and theoretical skills. Performance is an integral part of this course and all students will be expected to complete at least one group performance. Students will also complete a standard in composition.
Pre-requisites: One curriculum assessment at level 5 or above and meets 'performance checkpoint' from 10MUS, or with HOD approval
Approximate Credits: 20
Materials Fee: Nil
Recommended Prior Learning
Students should have experience in learning and playing an instrument (which they will be comfortable in performing with).
L1MUS can lead onto career pathways that include music production, music performing, and teaching music.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Music 1.1 - Use music skills in a music style
Music 1.2 - Demonstrate music performance skills
Music 1.4 - Shape music ideas to create an original composition