L2/3 Building and Construction (L23BAC)

Subject Description

Build a house! Learn valuable skills, working on real projects. Work as a team with other students with similar trade goals. Work with industry professionals. Get fit in PE and try new sports that help to maintain fitness which is necessary to work physically as a builder or a trades person. Improve Communication skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) and Mathematics Numeracy skills both of which are taught through topics that relate to Building and Construction. L1 DVC is an advantage in BAC because of the ability to read and understand plans.  It is hoped students will move onto an apprenticeship, polytechnic course or employment. Year 12 students will leave at the end of the year and not return for level 3. Students will need to purchase 2 BAC school uniform shirts.

Pre-requisites: Has Achieved Level 1 Literacy & HOD approval 

 Approximate Credits: 32 

Materials Fee: Nil