L3 Business (L3BUS)

Subject Description

Students will explore global businesses and understand how they interact with each other. Students will also learn how to write a marketing plan for a new or existing business. There may be opportunity for students to plan and run a real business through the Young Enterprise Programme, visit local businesses and hear inspirational stories from guest speakers. Innovation, exporting and change management are just some of the concepts that will be studied at a strategic level. Students are expected to work in groups to complete the business activity.

 Pre-requisites: 7 credits in L2BUS or 7 credits in L1 English  or 7 credits in L1 Social Sciences, or with HOD approval 

Approximate Credits: 19 

Materials Fee: Nil

Recommended Prior Learning

7 credits in L2BUS or 7 credits in L1ENG or 7 credits in L1 Soc Studies or with HOD approval.