This course requires 2 options.

10 Samoan

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Sam Moli.

This course builds the foundation for successful study of NCEA Level 1 Samoan. The aim is to extend the ability of students to use Samoan language in everyday situations; and to equip them with everyday Samoan terminology. We aim for students to describe places and events, asking and answering basic questions about familiar communities, and communicating about everyday routines and habits in Gagana Samoa.

Pre-requisites:  None 

Materials Fee: Nil

Subject Overview

Term 1
Students will be able to:
-Identify letters and letter combinations of the Samoan alphabet
-Pronounce Samoan words correctly with macron and glottal stops
-Recite basic opening and closing prayer
-Greet, farewell and acknowledge different people appropriately in Samoan
-Introduce themselves and others
- Communicate personal information in Samoan i.e. name, parents’ names, place of origin
- Say a simple speech to describe themselves and their family in Samoan
-Describe relationships with their immediate family members in Samoan
-Draw and describe their family tree in Samoan

Term 2
Students will be able to:
- Give a range of simple information about their homes and possessions
- Communicate about locations
- Describe the attractions and their favourite places in their hometown in Samoan.
- Describe key historic events in Samoa
- Describe the impact of colonisation on people in Samoa

Term 3
Students will be able to:
- Give simple information about their school in Samoan
- Identify and describe where objects are in the classroom in Samoan
- Describe where things and places are located in the school
- Identify key features of the Fale Samoa and what they represent
- Describe their academic goals, subjects, teachers, sports in Samoan

Term 4
Students will be able to:
- Use words for common food
- Communicate about likes and dislikes
- Communicate about the quality, quantity and cost of things
- Recite the prayer for food

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

1x 2B5 text book
