10 The Great Outdoors

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Alex Eastwood.

Students will:

  • Identify and manage hazards in outdoor environments, including natural elements and human factors.
  • Assess and mitigate risks associated with various outdoor activities and situations.
  • Learn water survival skills, including swimming proficiency and essential techniques like treading water and floating.
  • Develop an appreciation for the benefits of outdoor recreation for physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Promote environmental change and sustainable practices through Leave No Trace principles.
  • Enhance communication and decision-making skills for effective leadership during outdoor activities.
  • Foster teamwork and adaptability in navigating challenges and promoting a positive group dynamic.

Pre requisites: No pre reqs

Material fees: Students need to have a junior physical education uniform 

Recommended Prior Learning

Students will have prior knowledge from participating in Year 9 and 10 Physical Education and Health. 
