
Maths helps us to think logically; from carefully stating the problem and planning our solution to executing steps in the appropriate order and evaluating our solution.

Maths helps us to identify patterns and relationships.

Maths helps us keep score - not just in sports, but in everything we measure: time, distance, money, cooking quantities, building materials, etc.

Maths helps us make better choices and evaluate and reflect on the choices we have made.

Maths and Statistics helps us decide whether the conclusions of polls are reasonable or not.

Maths is crucial in the Natural Sciences like Physics and Chemistry, but it is also important in the Social Sciences such as Economics and Sociology.

Most university and college majors require some Mathematics. Limiting the Maths that you study may limit your career options.

Maths has connections to subjects you might not expect: Art, Music, and Poetry are a few.

Maths can be fun. Just as we play games, do crossword puzzles, and read mysteries for fun, Maths shares characteristics with all of these.

With Maths you keep doors open.