What is NCEA?

What is NCEA?

NCEA which stands for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement is the main qualification for secondary school students in New Zealand and can be gained in three levels (1, 2, 3). NCEA is the most common qualification you will be working towards in Years 12 and 13. Useful information can also be found in the Guide to NCEA - English or Guide to NCEA - te reo Māori. You can also watch a short animation on How NCEA Works.

Why should I work towards NCEA?

NCEA is for everyone, whether you want to do an apprenticeship, go on to further study, or be ready to get a job when you leave school. Getting NCEA makes a difference to how much you will earn in the future. Within nine years of leaving school, people with NCEA Level 2 earn twice as much, on average, as people with no qualification. Staying at school and getting University Entrance (UE) means you will earn 25 percent more, on average, than if you leave school with NCEA Level 2.

For information on Endorsements, University Entrance, Scholarship and Vocational Subjects, read the Guide to NCEA.

Additional Resources:

Find out as much information as you can about NCEA courses, the requirements for NCEA at each level, University Entrance requirements, approved subjects, careers, etc. by: www.ncea.govt.nz