Y10 courses

The overall programme for Year 10 students is similar to that of Year 9, with students studying:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Health
  • A language studied in Year 9 (Optional)


  • Four other option subjects, which are studied for half a year

Students should choose these FOUR option subjects (TWO if you have selected a language) with the following considerations in mind.

  • An option subject they have enjoyed in Year 9
  • An option subject that may help with future career aspirations
  • At Year 10, students should select to study as options those subjects in which they plan to seek qualifications at Years 11, 12 and 13

Read the subject information pages and ask questions if you are unsure of anything.  The best people to ask are you Kaitiaki Teacher, Dean, Subject Teachers and the Careers Advisor Ms Shaw.