Y9 courses

Year 9 Subject Selection takes place at the enrolment interview. SchoolPoint is not used for Y9 Subject selection. 

At Year 9 the emphasis is to provide a sound foundation of subjects. There are a number of compulsory subjects and four elective courses.

All students follow the same basic course. Full year compulsory courses are:

  • English
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education and Health
  • Language Elective (you select a language)


All students are required to choose a language in Y9, which is studied for the entire year. Language options that are available are:

  • Te Reo Māori
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Samoan
  • Tongan


To complete their timetable students also choose 4 elective courses, each of which will run for 1/2 a year. The electives that are offered in 2025 are:


  • Visual Art - Flying Colours
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Music


  • Product Design
  • Basic Robotics
  • Architectural Design
  • Master Chef