Understanding NCEA

Understanding NCEA Courses

  • Each course contains several Achievement Standards, Unit Standards or a combination of both.
  • Each standard (like a topic), is worth a number of ‘credits’ which relates to how much work is needed to complete the standard.
  • Achievement Standards (AS)  can be achieved, achieved with merit and achieved with excellence.
  • Students will receive a description from their teacher at the beginning of each standard of what is required to gain an  excellence, merit or achieved result.

Internal and external assessment

  • Most courses have a combination of internally and externally assessed standards.
  • Achievement Standards can be assessed internally (within school) or externally (an exam at the end of the year, or a portfolio of work which is sent away to be marked).
  • Unit Standards (US) are assessed as achieved or not achieved and are always internally assessed.


  • All students in Years 11, 12 and 13 will be doing some school-based assessment as part of internal assessment for NCEA - Achievement Standards and/or Unit Standards. It is important that you are aware of the Assessment Procedures and Regulations at Onehunga High School, 2024 Student Assessment Handbook.

Students can expect the following from each of their subject teachers:

  • A Subject Course Outline Guide detailing the types and dates of assessments for each subject. 
  • The Guide to Assessment Procedures and Regulations for students and parents that outlines the school-wide procedures for assessment.
  • Notification in class of upcoming assessments which should be given at least two weeks before an assessment occurs.
  • Feedback on your progress when assessment occurs over a long period of time (eg several weeks). These are generally referred to as checkpoints.

 Teachers can expect the following from students:

 Missed assessments:

  • If an assessment is missed see your Dean as soon as possible.
  • Written evidence must be produced to support your absence.  A note from your parents is NOT enough. If you cite medical reasons for missing an assessment you will need a medical certificate for any illness or injury.
  • If an assessment is missed you may be unable to get credit even if you have a good reason.

What you need for NCEA in 2024 and 2025

For NCEA in 2024 and 2025, you will need:

  • 60 credits at the Level (or above) of the qualification you are working towards
  • Literacy – 10 credits from Common Assessment Activity - Literacy, or from a list of specified standards in a range of subjects
  • Numeracy  – 10 credits from Common Assessment Activity - Numeracy, or from a list of specified standards in a range of subjects.

You only need to meet the literacy and numeracy requirements once, and you do not need to attempt them again for other levels of NCEA.  If you haven't quite finished your NCEA at the end of the year you can still start working towards the next level.